Just after I start to speak
you cut in on top of me
with such regularity, I start to take it personally!
Just as I’m about to say… something
there you go again
now I start to question,
what the fuck have I done?!
In a war of words, I’m fighting
It’s a bit absurd
It’s frighteningly obvious
You’re oblivious
It seems you are the only one
In the one way conversation
I’m witnessing abrupt and dumb
Persistent interruption
Switching it to be around
Something only you care about
Insular to be exact
Clap Clap Clap - good luck with that!
In a war of words I’m fighting
Its a bit absurd
Its frighteningly obvious
You’re oblivious
Another interruption,
But I’ll carry on until I’m done,
Talking at the exact same time
Volume steadily on the rise
No ones really listening
No one really gives a toss
Now both finished stopped speaking
And no one gets their point across